Hospice Care
Many pet owners have been faced with difficult decisions regarding end of life care for their beloved cats and dogs. As pets age, they often develop conditions such as osteoarthritis, heart disease, kidney dysfunction and cancer. These conditions can be managed with appropriate medical care but sometimes progress until a patient is no longer comfortable.

Hospice Care for your Pet
Hospice is a program of care focused on keeping your pet as comfortable as possible. With hospice care, your pet will spend the last days of his or her life in peaceful, familiar surroundings. You and your pet will make the best of the precious time you have together.
Our experienced team members will assess your pet’s health needs and discuss the options with you. Together we will determine how to help you keep your pet comfortable.
Peaceful Euthanasia
When it is clear that a pet’s quality of life has diminished, it may be time to say goodbye peacefully and gently under our veterinarian’s care. We understand that your pet is a part of your family and we welcome you and other family members to be present if you wish.
Deciding if it is the correct time to euthanize your pet is one of the most difficult decisions facing pet owners today. It is a selfless decision that relieves the end of life pain and suffering of terminally ill or injured pets. We can help you make the decision to provide your companion with a peaceful and dignified end-of-life. Prior to making this decision, we will answer all of your questions, discuss quality of life issues with you or offer guidance so you may make the right decision for your pet and your family.